
Outtakes Episode 5

What doesn't get to the final cut...

Doggie on the clapper

Our actors had multiple talents. Ian shows another of his...

Fly insect killer

Too many cooks...

Lines, planes & boombox

Kate having one of 'those' days...

take after take

What seemed easy during rehearsals...

Ian & adrian take a nap

After a long day of filming...

kate on the boom

With our boom swinger away sick for the day, Kate took over...

Opening title sequence

Titles for the 1997 version of Buck House...

More history...

Actor Anthony Hunt playing two roles

While not an outtake, this clip is presented as part of the history of Buck House.

Anthony was cast as one of the main leads in the 1995 pilot of Buck House, playing loveable layabout Gary. When the new version of Buck House was rejigged in 1997, the role of Gary unfortunately didn't make it to the new character line-up.

Such was Anthony's talent however, he was cast in a special cameo appearance as Dizzy Queen in Episode 4: Mardi Gras Madness (Buck House 1997).

and yet more...

Ross Higham in two roles

Again, not an outtake but a bit of Buck House history.

Ross Higham (AKA Rose Leaf) was a much loved legend of the Sydney, Adelaide and Melbourne drag scenes of the 80s & 90s, and also played one of the leads in the 1995 pilot of Buck House. Unfortunately, when it came time to film the 1997 version, Ross was unavailable for a fulltime commitment due to prior engagements.

We were fortunate enough to grab Ross for a day or two of filming to star in the cameo role of Heidi in Episode 7: Just A Bit Too Familiar (Buck House 1997) - dedicated to Ross/Rose, who sadly passed away in 2014.

Director in shot

Two very rare clips of producer/director Brett Harston in shot.